Core Competency Self-Assessment |
The Technical Assistance and Services Center (TASC) team thanks you for taking the time to complete the Flex Program Core Competency Assessment. This assessment should be taken from the perspective of the state Flex Program as a whole, and not as an individual person and their own proficiencies and competencies. This also means that the knowledge and experience of partners and contractors should be included.
A state Flex Program may want to take the core assessment in it's entirety yearly or when there are staff changes as a way to monitor areas of strength and improvement. FORHP strongly suggests that state Flex Programs complete this assessment in its entirety at least annually. Results of the assessment will not be used by FORHP to determine future funding levels. Users are encouraged to complete the assessment, or portions of the assessment based on SFP needs, multiple times over the course of a cooperative agreement to monitor progress on their continuous journey towards Flex Program excellence. Assessment results can be used to establish a baseline, create benchmarks and aid in strategic planning and evaluation. It is a requirement of a state Flex Program to take the assessment in its entirety before and after a technical consultation project and before a SFP staff member attends the Flex Program Workshop.
For additional Flex Program support, discussions, or technical assistance, please contact TASC via phone at 877-321-9393 or email at For more information on TASC, please review the Introduction to TASC section of the Flex Program Fundamentals Guide on the TASC TA website at
This assessment is focused on the proficiencies for the following core competencies for Flex Program Excellence: Developing Leadership and Workforce, Managing the Flex Program, Planning Strategically, Managing Information and Evaluation, Building and Sustaining Partnerships, Understanding Policies and Regulations, Strengthening Quality Reporting and Improvement, Improving Financial Sustainability, Understanding the Current and Future Health Care Environment, and Addressing Community Needs.
This assessment tool can serve as a baseline towards understanding the state Flex Program’s competency in key skills and knowledge necessary to fully develop, implement and manage the Flex Program.